Starborne Medical

  • Starborne Medical est Y24D18 is dedicated to the providing accessible medical supplies across the Galaxy. Despite being a newly formed group, the staff within are experienced in the woes of the people of the galaxy. Aiming to keep the denizens of the galaxy in tip-top shape, using the latest and greatest tech in the public sector, SBM can help meet your needs. From individual purchases for the lone buyer, to bulk items for groups.

    Passionate about producing high quality medical supplies and auxileries such as medical droids and ships we can work with you to keep your personel intact. Our technology has been screened thoroughly, ensuring you don't have any mishaps that require other droids or ships coming to your rescue. Bonus, no upselling or subscription-based programming, so no worries about missing key features you expect to see in your newly acquired tech.

    Contact us today to see how we can help keep you and your valued sentients healthy and fit for duty. Please know that all of our products are tested on willing participants, and our documentation process consists of more than a chart ranging from 1 to 10.

Price List

Note: all prices listed per batch of product. Sale by the item is available by request.

Product List Price
Bacta Refill 350,000 cr
Healing Stick 280,000 cr
Bacta Patch 250,000 cr
Antidote 280,000 cr
Stimpack 350,000 cr
Bacta Tank 5,000,000 cr
Medikit 1,000,000 cr